For every Now, there was a Then!
Sometimes it was better and sometimes the otherwise…
It was YOU then, and it is YOU now…

Then what is actually changed?


Dear friend, time doesn’t stop. You can’t blame it. 

Then whom will you question? What will you question?

Are you trying to find out the actual solution to your question? Or do you want to listen to the solution that you need? If you are going for the second one, dear, your question itself doesn't make any sense being a question. If you are trying to find out the solution, the solution cannot be found. You have to discover it. Putting your time, effort, and heART… you have to question what is now and what was then. How are you willing to make a difference from now on? If those were the days that are good, what is stopping you right now to beat your previous self? If you feel that you are a better person now, what actually made you a better person? (This will help you be a better version of yourself every next day. Once a gentleman said, the definition of success is when you do better than yesterday) You need not blame yourself if you don’t find an answer but always question with the right intention and a better perspective. You might actually end up with loads of questions and tiny little answers. There is nothing right and nothing wrong. All are perspectives that pervaded through the expression of experiences. 

As I told in the beginning, for every story that is being told after 20 years or 30 or 10 decades, there is a story that really struggled in the past to create on its own. The inexperienced story, the fallen one, the courageous one, the depressed one, the cried one, the one with so much regret and guilt, the one with seldom support, the one that actually took the hardships to cross the toughest rocks, the one that ran for food and drank water, the real story that experienced mental blocks, and along with all the craziest escapes that found your present self…, Did you find an answer? Or I better say, have you become a better questioner? Question your thoughts, actions, and feelings. Make an attempt to admit to yourself who you were then and now.  

Admire your complete self. The way you have fallen down and the way you are putting efforts to climb and fly all over. There is no ladder that can just take us exponentially. There is a valley that allows the river to flow and the dust particles come along. These days those rivers have become dump yards as well. We should take along just to keep flowing and find the right soil and make it fertile with our flow. Create your NOW to tell a powerful of your then version.


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